April 19,2018

In this month, April 2018, Microsoft has published more than sixty vulnerabilities in which more than twenty vulnerabilities are rated as critical and more than thirty vulnerabilities are rated as important.

March 19,2018

In this month, March 2018, Microsoft has published more than seventy vulnerabilities in which more than ten vulnerabilities are rated as critical and more than fifty vulnerabilities are

February 17,2018

In this month, February 2018, Microsoft has published more than fifty vulnerabilities in which more than ten vulnerabilities are rated as critical and more than thirty vulnerabilities are rated as important.

January 17,2018

In this month, January 2018, Microsoft has published more than fifty vulnerabilities in which more than fifteen vulnerabilities are rated as critical and more than thirty vulnerabilities are rated as important.

January 10,2018

An industry-wide microprocessor chip vulnerability has been discovered recently known as ‘Spectre’ and ‘Meltdown’. This flaw is a serious hardware flaw that uses a technique called ‘Side-Channel Attack’. A side-channel could be used to target the system’s operation like power consumption, timing etc.