December 2023,

With the release of the December 2023 security updates, Microsoft has released fixes for 37 vulnerabilities in Microsoft products. Of these 37 vulnerabilities, 4 are classified as Critical,  30 as Important, 1 as Moderate, and 2 as Low. 

November 2023,

With the release of the November 2023 security updates, Microsoft has released fixes for 64 vulnerabilities in Microsoft products. Of these 64 vulnerabilities, 3 are classified as Critical,  57 as Important, and 4 as Moderate.

September 2023,

With the release of the September 2023 security updates, Microsoft has released fixes for 59 vulnerabilities in Microsoft products. Of these 59 vulnerabilities, 5 are classified as Critical, 53 as Important, and 1 as Moderate.

August 2023,

With the release of the August 2023 security updates, Microsoft has released fixes for 75 vulnerabilities in Microsoft products. Of these 75 vulnerabilities, 6 are classified as Critical, 68 as Important, and 1 as Moderate.

July 2023,

With the release of the July 2023 security updates, Microsoft has released fixes for 130 vulnerabilities in Microsoft products. Of these 130 vulnerabilities, 9 are classified as Critical and 121 as Important.